City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 17-506. Designation signage plan approval – Planned unit developments.

(a) In general.

An Area of Special Signage Control and Signage Plan may be incorporated into a new planned unit development established by ordinance.

(b) Standards.

If a planned unit development incorporates an Area of Special Signage Control:

(i) the proposed ordinance must have a dedicated section of the ordinance entitled, "Area of Special Signage Control";

(ii) the requirements of 17-503(c) must be included as part of the evaluation of application for the inclusion within the planned unit development;

(iii) the requirements of 17-504 must be met and included in either text or exhibits in the planned unit development;

(iv) Table 17-201: Sign Regulations and Table 17-306: Maximum Cumulative Area of Signs are applicable;

(v) a boundary change shall be considered a major change and must be changed by Ordinance;

(vi) unless the signage is attached to portions of the planned unit development that are deemed to be a major change under Title 15 of this article, a Signage Plan included in the planned unit development may be amended by Planning Commission and considered a minor change to the planned unit development;

(vii) if a planned unit development is repealed and not replaced, the Area Of Special Signage Control may continue to be effective with the designated boundaries and the approved signage plan; and

(viii) unless otherwise provided, all provisions of this Code are applicable.