§ 7-405. CAMP Map.
(a) Boundaries delineated on Map.
The boundaries of the Critical Area, the Buffer, and the Development Areas are delineated on the Baltimore City CAMP Map (2020 Edition), as published and maintained by the Baltimore City Department of Planning.
(b) Map amendments.
In addition to the requirements of Title 5, Subtitle 5 {"Legislative Authorizations"} of this Code, any amendment to the CAMP Map must be reviewed and approved by:
(1) the Planning Commission; and
(2) the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission.
(c) Digital format authorized.
With the approval of the Planning Commission and the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission, the Department pf Planning may create, convert, or update the CAMP Map in a geographic database or other digital format that is capable of depicting the boundaries and designations in both electronic and printed forms.
(d) CAMP Map legalized.
(1) In general.
The CAMP Map approved under this section:
(i) is legalized for purposes of the Zoning Code of Baltimore City; and
(ii) may be taken by all public officials and others as evidence of the boundaries and designations adopted under this subtitle and the Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program.
(2) Other depictions illustrative only.
Any other representation of the Critical Area, Buffer, or Development Areas, regardless of the source of publication, are illustrative only and may not be used for determining any of the development requirements or restrictions required in this subtitle or by the Critical Area Management Program.