City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 10-1. Insurance claims.

(a) Comptroller to negotiate.

The Comptroller shall represent the City in the negotiation of all claims against any insurance company from which insurance has been purchased covering loss or damage to City-owned property, and he is authorized to approve all settlements with the insurance company.

(b) Referral to City Solicitor.

If the Comptroller and the insurance company, during the course of their negotiations are unable to agree upon an equitable settlement, the Comptroller shall request the City Solicitor to press the City's claim and assure that the City's interest is protected.

(c) Use of proceeds.

(1) All money that may be awarded to the City by reason of loss from damage or destruction covered by City-purchased insurance shall be paid to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and the appropriate agency shall be credited with these funds.

(2) Repairs or replacement of the property suffering damage shall be made, subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works, the Director of Transportation, or the Director of General Services, whichever has jurisdiction, by either City employees or under contract.