§ 13-1. Definitions.
(a) Self-Insurance Program.
The term "Self-Insurance Program for Commodity, Service, and Construction Contracts" (Self-Insurance Program) as used herein shall mean the self-insurance program of the City as provided in this subtitle for the payment of monetary claims arising from any loss, damage, or expense which the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore may sustain by reason of the failure of a service, commodity, or construction contractor to comply with the terms of any contract not exceeding $200,000 which said contractor has entered into with the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
(b) Self-Insurance Fund.
The term "Self-insurance Fund for Commodity, Service, and Construction Contracts" (Self-insurance Fund) as used herein shall mean the appropriation provided in the annual Ordinance of Estimates to pay any claims authorized by this subtitle.
(c) Liability Reserve Fund.
The term "Liability Reserve Fund for Commodity, Service, and Construction Contracts" (Liability Reserve Fund) as used herein shall mean the fund that is to be accumulated as set forth in this subtitle to pay any claims ordinarily payable by the Self-Insurance Fund, provided the Self-Insurance Fund has been depleted in that fiscal year.
(d) Contractor.
The term "contractor" as used herein shall mean any person, firm, or legal entity with whom the City has entered into an agreement.
(e) Construction.
The term "construction" shall mean the repair, renovation, construction, or maintenance of any property owned by the City of Baltimore or financed in whole or in part by the City of Baltimore.