City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 20A-3. Notice to City Council.

(a) In general.

No City agency, official, employee, or contractor, nor any other person may undertake, approve, or allow the demolition, in whole or substantial part, of any City structure unless the agency proposing the action first submits to the President of the City Council, for publication in the Council Journal, a notice describing the structure and proposed action.

(b) If no objection received.

If, within 30 days of the notice's publication in the Journal, the President has received no objection to the proposal from any Councilmember:

(1) the President shall so notify the agency that submitted the notice; and

(2) without need for further action by the City Council, the agency may proceed with the proposed demolition.

(c) If objection received.

If a timely objection is received from a Councilmember:

(1) the President shall so notify the agency that submitted the notice; and

(2) the demolition may not proceed unless:

(i) expressly authorized by an Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council; or

(ii) the structure remains unoccupied for 3 years or more following the publication of notice under subsection (a) of this section.