City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 28-101. Goal-setting committees – Establishment

(a) Chief to appoint.

The Chief must appoint 5 goal-setting committees to assist in the administration of the SLBE Program.

(b) Industry-category specific committees.

A separate committee must be established with responsibility for each of the following industry categories:

(1) architectural and engineering;

(2) construction;

(3) professional services;

(4) services; and

(5) materials, supplies, and equipment.

(c) Committee membership; Chair.

(1) Each GSC is chaired by the Chief or the Chief's designee.

(2) The Chief determines the number of members on each GSC at the time of its establishment.

(3) Each GSC must include representatives from the Office and from the primary contracting agencies and end-user agencies for the committee's industry category.

(4) The Chief must appoint the remaining members of the GSC from the City's procurement personnel and other City departments affected by this Program.

(d) Meetings.

Each GSC may meet as often as necessary to accomplish its duties, but not less than twice annually.