City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 28-110. Adverse determinations; Appeals.

(a) Office determinations.

All adverse certification or eligibility determinations by the Office or Chief must:

(1) be in writing;

(2) include the reasons for the determination; and

(3) be sent to the affected business enterprise.

(b) Appeals.

(1) An aggrieved party has a right to protest an adverse determination and seek administrative review.

(2) To obtain administrative review, the aggrieved party must submit a written protest to the Chief within 7 days of receipt of the adverse determination.

(3) The protest must specify the reasons and factual grounds of the protest and be accompanied by any supporting documents.

(c) Action by Chief.

Within 25 days of receipt of the protest, the Chief must:

(1) review the protest and all relevant supporting documents; and

(2) render a written decision that includes the reasons for the decision.

(d) Hearing.

(1) After all departmental remedies have been exhausted, the aggrieved applicant may request a hearing before a panel of independent hearing officers, with 1 member of the panel being appointed by the President of the City Council and the other members of the panel being appointed by the City Solicitor.

(2) The hearing officer must be knowledgeable of Baltimore City procurement laws and procedures, including this subtitle.