City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 28-115. Price preferences.

(a) In general.

Subject to § 28-97(b), the Board of Estimates may award a contract to a certified SLBE or certified Emerging SLBE that submits a bid within 10% of a low bid by a non-SLBE.

(b) Exclusions.

A price preference may not be applied if:

(1) the award to the SLBE would result in a total contract cost that is, on an annual basis, more than $25,000 higher than the low bid;

(2) if the total contract cost would exceed the City's budgeted funding for the contract; or

(3) the total contract cost is determined by the contracting agency, with concurrence from the agency receiving the primary benefit of the contract, to be so high in price as to be not reasonable.