City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 29-11. Remedies.

(a) When a complaint is sustained in a final administrative decision, the hearing examiner or the Board of Estimates may order any one or more of the following actions:

(1) any remedy agreed to by the respondent business firm, the complainant, and the City;

(2) recommendation to, or implementation of procedures by, the City Solicitor and the Board of Estimates for debarment of the respondent business firm from bidding and contract awards on City projects for a period of not more than 5 years;

(3) rescission, suspension or termination of any current contract between the respondent business firm and the City;

(4) referral of the matter for criminal prosecution for fraud and other violations of law, if appropriate under the circumstances; or

(5) The Board of Estimates or Hearing Examiner may order the parties to subject the complaint to mediation.