City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 30-2. Prequalification requirements.

(a) Prequalification criteria.

(1) Any person who submits to the City a bid or who contracts with the City to be a health care carrier or to provide health care services to Baltimore City employees or persons receiving health care through any entity funded by the City must prequalify pursuant to City Charter Article VI, §11(g), and the rules, regulations, and standards adopted by the Board of Estimates.

(2) The criteria for the prequalification of health care carriers shall include, but not be limited to:

(i) experience levels;

(ii) financial history; and

(iii) ethnic diversity of their respective provider panels.

(b) Same.

Each health care carrier interested in doing business with, or continuing to do business with the City of Baltimore in this regard shall apply for prequalification and be so prequalified.