City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 33-2. Purchasing requirements.

Whenever feasible or practicable, the City shall use the following guidelines in procurement of paper and other goods:

(1) To the extent practicable, in procuring paper or paper products, the City shall purchase or approve for purchase only supplies that are produced from recycled paper and are recyclable.

(2) Of the total volume of paper that the City buys, at least 20% shall be recycled paper with a projected goal of 40%.

(3) No non-recyclable polystyrene products or products packaged in non-recyclable polystyrene shall be purchased.

(4) Where practicable, contracts shall specify that materials must be packaged in recycled and recyclable materials.

(5) In the purchase of non-paper goods, the Purchasing Agent shall review product specifications, and shall revise specifications, where appropriate, to include recycled content in the following product areas:

(i) re-refined oil;

(ii) plastic products;

(iii) auto parts;

(iv) compost material;

(v) aggregate;

(vi) insulation;

(vii) solvents; and

(viii) rubber products.

(6) To the extent practicable, no inks containing toxic components shall be used in any City publication.

(7) To the maximum extent possible, all photocopiers purchased by the City shall be capable of doing double-sided copying and using recycled paper.

(8) Wherever practicable, durable rather than non-recyclable disposable products shall be purchased.