§ 11-11. Ridgely's Delight District.
The area located within the boundaries set forth in this section is hereby declared to be a Historic and Architectural District, and may be referred to as Ridgely's Delight Historical and Architectural Preservation District:
Beginning for the same at the intersection of the north side of West Pratt Street and the center line of the proposed City Boulevard; thence from said point of beginning and binding on the north side of Pratt Street easterly to intersect the east side of Greene Street; thence binding on the east side of Greene Street southerly to intersect the center line of the proposed City Boulevard; thence binding on the center line of the proposed City Boulevard northerly to the point of beginning.
Provided, however, that notwithstanding the provisions hereinabove in this section, the following property is excluded from and is not included in the described area:
The property listed in the Baltimore City Tax records as Lot 1 in Block 676, measuring 289 feet by 280 feet and known as 220 South Greene Street.