§ 11-7. Mt. Royal Terrace-Reservoir Hill District.
The parcel of land located within the boundaries set forth in this section is hereby declared to be within the Mt. Royal Terrace-Reservoir Hill Historical and Architectural District:
Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the northeast face of the southwest concrete curb of Mt. Royal Terrace and the north side of North Avenue, varying in width, and running thence binding on the north side of said North Avenue, Westerly 325 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of a 16 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the northeast side of said 16 foot alley, Northwesterly 155 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of an alley of varying width, there situate; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 16 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of a 20 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the north side of last said alley, Westerly 43 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of a 16 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 82 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the north side of a 12 foot alley, there situate, if projected easterly; thence binding in part reversely on the line of the north side of last said alley, so projected, in part on the north side of last said alley, and in all, Westerly 184 feet more or less, to intersect the east side of a 10 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the east side of last side alley, Northerly 100 feet, more or less, to intersect the south side of Lennox Street, 66 feet wide; thence by a straight line crossing said Lennox Street, Northerly 66 feet. more or less, to a point formed by the intersection of the north side of said Lennox Street and the east side of a 9 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the east side of last said alley, Northerly 90 feet, more or less, to intersect the south side of a 10 foot alley, there situate; thence binding in part on the south side of last said alley, in part on the line of the south side of last said alley, if projected easterly, and in all, Easterly 95 feet, more or less, to intersect the east side of a 15 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the east side of last said alley, Northerly 84 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of a 15 foot alley, there situate, if projected easterly; thence binding in part reversely on the line of the north side of last said alley, so projected, in part on the line of the north side of last said alley, and in all, Westerly 93 feet, more or less, to intersect the east side of a 15 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the east side of last said alley, Northerly 34 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of a 12 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 32 feet, more or less, to intersect the east side of an 8.5 foot alley, there situate; thence binding in part on the east side of last said alley and in part on the east side of last said alley, if projected northerly, and in all, Northerly [144 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of Reservoir Street, 66 feet wide; thence binding on the north side of said Reservoir Street, Westerly 118 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of Park Avenue, 66 feet wide; thence binding on the northeast side of said Park Avenue, Northwesterly 233 feet, more or less, to intersect the southeast side of Park Avenue, varying from a width of 66 feet to a width of 120 feet; thence binding on the southeast side of last said Park Avenue, Northeasterly 52 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of Park Avenue, 120 feet wide; thence binding on the northeast side of last said Park Avenue, Northwesterly 163 feet, more or less, to intersect the division line between No. 2033 Park Avenue and No. 2001 Park Avenue; thence binding in part on the last said division line and in part of the last said division line, if projected northeasterly, and in all, Northeasterly 161 feet, more or less, to intersect the northeast side of a 15 foot alley, there situate; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 65 feet, more or less, to intersect the southeast side of Newington Avenue, 66 feet wide; thence by a straight line crossing said Newington Avenue, Northwesterly 66 feet more or less, to the point formed by the intersection of the northwest side of said Newington Avenue and the northeast side of a 15 foot alley laid out 135 feet southwest of last said Mt. Royal Terrace; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 329] 111 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Reservoir Street, 66 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Reservoir Street, Westerly 341 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the centerline of a 15 foot alley, laid out in the rear of the properties known as Nos. 2000 through 2042 Park Avenue, if projected southeasterly; thence binding in part reversely on the line of the centerline of said 15 foot alley, so projected, in part on the centerline of said 15 foot alley, and in all, Northwesterly 401 feet, more or less, to intersect the centerline of Newington Avenue, 66 feet wide; thence binding on the centerline of said Newington Avenue, Northeasterly 399 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the northeast side of a 15 foot alley, laid out 135 feet southwest of last said Mt. Royal Terrace, if projected southeasterly; thence binding in part reversely on the line of the northeast side of said 15 foot alley, so projected, in part on the northeast side of last said alley, and in all, Northwesterly 362 feet, more or less, to intersect the southeast side of Whitelock Street, 66 feet wide, thence by a straight line crossing said Whitelock Street, Northwesterly 66 feet, more or less, to the point formed by the intersection of the northwest side of said Whitelock Street and the northeast side of a 15 foot alley laid out 135 feet southwest of last said Mt. Royal Terrace; thence binding on the northeast side of last said alley, Northwesterly 294 feet, more or less, to intersect the east side of Park Avenue, 120 feet wide; thence binding on the east side of last said Park Avenue, northerly 237 feet, more or less, to intersect the southwest side of last said Mt. Royal Terrace thence binding on the southwest side of last said Mt. Royal Terrace crossing said Whitelock Street, and said Newington Avenue the two following courses and distances; namely, Southeasterly 1606 feet, more or less, and Southerly 32 feet, more or less, to intersect the north side of said Reservoir Street; thence by a straight line crossing said Reservoir Street, Southeasterly 80 feet, more or less, to the point formed by the intersection of the south side of said Reservoir Street and the northeast face of the southwest concrete curb of Mt. Royal Terrace mentioned firstly herein and thence binding on the northeast and east face of the southwest and west concrete curb of Mt. Royal Terrace mentioned firstly herein, crossing said Lennox Street, in a generally southeasterly direction 840 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.