§ 13-18. Cylburn House.
Cylburn House, being further described as follows:
Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the southeast edge of the first asphalt road, lying southeast of Cylburn Avenue, extending from Greenspring Avenue northeasterly to Cylburn House and a line drawn parallel with and distant 75.0 feet southwesterly, measured at right angles from the southwest face of the two and one-half story stone building, there situate, said point of beginning being approximately 2,150 feet, more or less, measured along the southeast edge of said asphalt road from the northeast side of said Greenspring Avenue and running thence binding on said line so drawn, Northwesterly 630 feet, more or less, to intersect the line of the northwest face of a one story stone addition to a one and one-half story stone building, there situate, if projected southwesterly; thence binding in part reversely on said line so projected, in part on the northwest face of said one story stone addition, in part on the line of the northwest face of said one story stone addition if projected northeasterly and in all Northeasterly 210 feet, more or less, to intersect a line drawn parallel with and distant 75.0 feet northeasterly, measured at right angles from the northeast face of said two and one-half story stone building; thence binding on last said line so drawn, Southeasterly 635 feet, more or less, to intersect a line drawn northeasterly from the place of beginning parallel with the southeast face of said two and one-half story stone building and thence binding reversely on last said line so drawn, Southwesterly 210 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.