§ 13-29. Old Town Friends' Meeting House.
Old Town Friends' Meeting House, 1201 E. Fayette Street, the property being further described as follows:
Beginning for the same at a point on the northeast side of Aisquith Street, as now laid out, distant South 19-38-00 East 23.00 feet, measured along the northeast side of said Aisquith Street from the southeast side of Fayette Street, 99 feet wide, and running thence for new lines of division through the property now or formerly owned by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore the three following courses and distances; namely, parallel with said Fayette Street, North 70-33-45 East 67.00 feet, parallel with said Aisquith Street, South 19-38-00 East 42.00 feet, and parallel with said Fayette Street, South 70-33-45 West 67.00 feet to the aforesaid northeast side of Aisquith Street and thence binding on the northeast side of said Aisquith Street, North 19-38-00 West 42.00 feet to the place of beginning.