§ 13-41. Clifton Mansion.
Clifton Mansion:
Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the northwest edge of the first macadam road lying southeast of Harford Road, extending from St. Lo Drive northeasterly to the northerly extension of Rose Street and the southwest edge of the first macadam road lying northeast of St. Lo Drive, extending from the macadam road mentioned firstly herein northwesterly and running thence binding on the southwest edge of last said macadam road in a generally northwesterly and northeasterly direction 890 feet; thence by a straight line crossing last said macadam road, Easterly 86 feet, more or less, to a point on the northeast edge of the second macadam road lying northeast of St. Lo Drive, extending from the macadam road mentioned firstly herein northwesterly, distant 802 feet northwesterly, measured along the northeast edge of last said macadam road from the northwest edge of the macadam road mentioned firstly herein; thence binding on the northeast edge of last said macadam road in a generally southeasterly direction 802 feet to the northwest edge of the macadam road mentioned firstly herein and thence binding on the northwest edge of the macadam road mentioned firstly herein in a generally southwesterly direction 198 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.