City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 13-6. Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church.

Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church, 18 and 20-30 West Montgomery Street, the property being further described as follows:

Beginning for the same at a point on the north side of Montgomery Street, as now laid out, said point of beginning being the beginning of the parcel of land conveyed by Carroll Spence and Wife to the African Methodist Episcopal Ebenezer Church by deed dated April 18, 1892 and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber J.B. No. 1389 Folio 169 and running thence binding on the north side of said Montgomery Street and on the first line of said deed, there situate, Easterly 66 feet; thence binding on part of the second line of said deed, Northerly 91.5 feet, more or less, to intersect the south outline of the property known as No. 13-15 West Hughes Street; thence binding on the south outline of the properties known as Nos. 13-15 through and including 19-23 West Hughes Street, Westerly 66 feet, more or less, to intersect the last line of said deed and thence binding on part of the last line of said deed, to the end thereof, Southerly 91.5 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning; the improvements being known as No. 18 and 20-30 West Montgomery Street.