City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 14-21. Hutzler's Palace Building.

Hutzler's Palace Building (formerly known as 210-218 N. Howard Street), being further described as follows:

Beginning for the same at a point on the west side of Howard Street, 82.5 feet wide, distant North 02°-50'-14" West 107.50 feet measured along the west side of said Howard Street from the north side of Lexington Street, 66 feet wide, and running thence binding on the south face of the south wall of the five story brick building situate on the parcel of land now being described, Westerly 118.25 feet; thence binding on the west face of the west wall of said five story building, Northerly 95.33 feet to the south side of the former bed of Clay Street; thence binding on the south side of the former bed of said Clay Street and on the north face of the north wall of said five story building, there situate, with the privilege in and to the use of said wall by the abutting property for support, North 86°-54'-55" East 118.25 feet to the west side of said Howard Street and thence binding on the west side of said Howard Street, South 02°-50'-14" East 96 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.