City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 15-1. St. Joseph's Monastery.

St. Joseph's Monastery, 3800 Frederick Avenue, the property being further described as follows:

Beginning for the same at the point formed by the intersection of the north side of Frederick Avenue, 66 feet wide and the east side of Monastery Avenue, 50 feet wide, and running thence binding on the east side of said Monastery Avenue, North 02°-22'-30" West 516.28 feet to intersect the division line between No. 3800 Frederick Avenue and No. 3831 Old Frederick Road; thence binding on said division line and continuing on another division line, the two following courses and distances; namely, North 85°-42'-30" East 153.77 feet and North 04°-57'-30" West 241.06 feet to the south side of Old Frederick Road; thence binding on the south and southwest sides of said Old Frederick Road, the three following courses and distances; namely, South 79°-24'-21" East 304.25 feet, South 76°-06'-41" East 149.01 feet and South 71°-23'-05" East 455.32 feet to the west side of Morley Street, 66 feet wide; thence binding on the west side of said Morley Street, South 11°-25'-45" West 547.35 feet to the north side of said Frederick Avenue and thence binding on the north side of said Frederick Avenue, the four following courses and distances; namely, by a line curving to the left with a radius of 1433.00 feet the distance of 319.57 feet which arc is subtended by a chord bearing North 85°-05'-41" West 318.90 feet, South 88°-31'-00" West 191.40 feet, by a line curving to the left with a radius of 4033.00 feet the distance of 109.10 feet which arc is subtended by a chord bearing South 87°-44'-30" West 109.10 feet and South 86°-58'-00" West 260.00 feet to the place of beginning.