City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 8-2. Building permit required.

(a) Exterior structures.

No person may undertake, cause, or allow any of the following regulated alterations for or with respect to any structure located within an Historical and Architectural Preservation District or included on the Landmark List: Exteriors or the Potential-Landmark List: Exteriors without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Building Official:

(1) any reconstruction, alteration, or removal of any exterior architectural feature;

(2) any change in an exterior color, whether by painting or other means;

(3) any exterior excavation;

(4) the construction or erection of any exterior building, fence, wall, or other structure of any kind; or

(5) any exterior demolition.

(b) Public interiors.

No person may undertake, cause, or allow any of the following regulated alterations for or with respect to any structure on the Landmark List: Public Interiors or the Potential-Landmark List: Public Interiors without first obtaining a permit to do so from the Building Official:

(1) any reconstruction, alteration, or removal of any interior architectural feature, as defined in subsection (c) of this section;

(2) any change in an interior color, whether by painting or other means;

(3) any interior excavation;

(4) the construction or erection of any interior wall or other structure of any kind; or

(5) any interior demolition.

(c) "Interior architectural feature" defined.

(1) In general.

In this section, "interior architectural feature" means the architectural style, design, general arrangement, and components of a designated interior.

(2) Inclusions.

"Interior architectural feature" includes the kind, color, and texture of the building material and the type and style of windows, doors, lights, signs, plaques, decorative finishes, murals, art work, floor plan, and other fixtures appurtenant to the interior.