§ 2-1. Establishment of district.
(a) City to establish.
The City must establish a Floodplain District and an official floodplain map to include all areas subject to inundation by floodwaters.
(b) Bases.
(1) The bases of this delineation must be, at a minimum, the data contained in the most recent Flood Insurance Study for Baltimore City, and illustrated in the Flood Insurance Rate Map. The Flood Insurance Rate Map illustrates both the most recently adopted Special Flood Hazard Areas and the Flood Resilience Area.
(2) The base-flood elevation, as determined in the Flood Insurance Study, is graphically delineated on the official floodplain map.
(3) Where field-surveyed topography or digital topography indicates that ground elevations are above the base-flood elevation in a Special Flood Hazard Area, then the area is considered in the Special Flood Hazard Area until FEMA issues a Letter of Map Change.
(4) Where field-surveyed topography or digital topography indicates that ground elevations are below the closest applicable flood-protection elevation, even in areas not delineated on the FIRM as a Regulated Flood Hazard Area, the area is considered to be a Regulated Flood Hazard Area.
(c) District as overlay to zoning.
The Floodplain District is an overlay on any zoning district, as provided in the Zoning Code of Baltimore City.