§ 2-4. Flood elevations.
(a) Nontidal floodplain.
(1) Regulated Flood Hazard Areas in the nontidal floodplain are designated on the FIRM as "Special Flood Hazard Areas".
(2) The flood elevations for these areas correspond to the base-flood elevations specified in the Flood Insurance Study.
(b) Tidal floodplain.
(1) Regulated Flood Hazard Areas in the tidal floodplain are designated on the FIRM as Zones AE, V, VE, and X.
(2) The flood elevations for Zones V and VE are as shown in the Flood Insurance Study's Table 4 {"Transect Data"}, under the column heading "Zone Designation and BFE".
(3) The flood elevations for Shaded Zone X ("areas of 0.2% annual chance flood") and for Zones A and AE are those shown in the Flood Insurance Study's Table 4 {"Transect Data"}, under the column heading "0.2% Annual Chance".
(c) Flood elevations not provided by FIRM or FIS.
To establish flood elevations for Regulated Flood Hazard Areas that do not have these elevations shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map or in the Flood Insurance Study, the Floodplain Manager may:
(1) provide the best available data for flood elevations;
(2) require the applicant to obtain available information from Federal, State, or other sources; or
(3) require the applicant to establish Regulated Flood Hazard Areas and design-flood elevations as set forth in § 2-5 {"Changes to District"} of this subtitle.