City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 27-4. Maintenance inspections.

(a) Periodic inspections required.

(1) The Department must periodically inspect all environmental site design practices and structural stormwater management measures to ensure that preventative maintenance is being performed.

(2) These inspections must be made:

(i) at least once during the 1st year of operation; and

(ii) at least once every 3 years following.

(b) Inspection reports.

(1) The Department must maintain inspection reports for all stormwater management systems.

(2) These inspection reports must include the following:

(i) the date of inspection;

(ii) the name of the inspector;

(iii) an assessment of the quality of the stormwater management system related to environmental site design treatment practice efficiency and the control of runoff to the maximum extent practicable;

(iv) the condition of:

A. vegetation and filter media;

B. fences and other safety devices;

C. spillways, valves, and other control structures;

D. embankments, slopes, and safety benches;

E. reservoir and treatment areas;

F. inlet and outlet channels and structures;

G. underground drainage;

H. sediment and debris accumulation in storage and forebay areas;

I. any nonstructural practices to the extent practicable; and

J. any other item that could affect the proper function of the stormwater management system; and

(v) a description of needed maintenance.