§ 3-1. In general.
(a) New construction and substantial improvements.
(1) In order to prevent excessive damage to structures, all new construction and substantial improvements to existing structures in the Floodplain District must comply with:
(i) the regulations and restrictions of this subtitle; and
(ii) except as otherwise provided in this Division I, the design and construction standards of:
(A) ASCE 24 {"Flood Resistant Design and Construction"}; and
(B) ASCE 7 {"Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures"}, Chapter 5 {"Flood Loads"}.
(2) Where flood elevation data are used, the applicant must provide to the Planning Department:
(i) floodproofing elevations for all new construction and all substantial improvements to an existing structure; and
(ii) corresponding elevation certificates.
(b) Projects overlapping subdistricts or elevations.
If a proposed structure or substantial improvement is sited in 2 different subdistricts or in a subdistrict with 2 different flood elevations, the most restrictive regulation or higher flood elevation prevails.
(c) Classification of structures.
For the purpose of applying appropriate requirements, structures are classified according to ASCE 24, Table 1-1 {"Classification of Structures for flood Resistant Design and Construction"}.