City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 3-16. Flood protection setback.

(a) Watercourse with floodplain.

(1) A minimum 25-foot flood protection setback must be maintained from the edge of the banks of any watercourse delineated on the floodplain map or FIRM as having a floodplain.

(2) To prevent erosion, natural vegetation must be maintained in this area.

(3) Where natural vegetation does not exist along the water course and conditions for replanting are suitable, high priority must be given to planting trees in the setback area to stabilize banks and to enhance aquatic resources.

(b) Stream with no floodplain.

(1) A minimum 25-foot flood-protection setback must be maintained from the top of the bank of any stream that has no designated floodplain.

(2) Natural vegetation must be maintained and, if needed, trees planted.