City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 31-1. Definitions.

(a) In general.

In this Division III, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated.

(b) Applicant.

"Applicant" means the person that executes the necessary forms to apply for a permit or approval to carry out construction of a project.

(c) Clear.

"Clear" means to remove the vegetative ground cover while leaving the root mat intact.

(d) Department.

"Department" means the Baltimore City Department of Public Works.

(e) Developer.

See "Owner; developer".

(f) Environmental site design.

"Environmental site design" means using small-scale stormwater management practices, nonstructural techniques, and better site planning to mimic natural hydrologic runoff characteristics and to minimize the impact of land development on water resources.

(g) Erosion.

"Erosion" means the process by which land surface is worn away by the action of wind, water, ice, or gravity.

(h) Erosion and sediment control.

"Erosion and sediment control" means a system of structural and vegetative measures that minimizes soil erosion and off-site sedimentation.

(i) Grade.

"Grade" means to disturb earth by any one or combination of methods, including excavating, filling, stockpiling, grubbing, or removing root mat or topsoil.

(j) {Repealed}

(k) Interested person.

"Interested person" means a person who has a legal right that could be directly and adversely affected by a specific erosion or sediment control issue.

(l) Owner; developer.

(1) General.

"Owner" or "developer" means a person:

(i) undertaking activities covered by this Division III; or

(ii) for whose benefit activities covered by this Division III are undertaken.

(2) Exclusions.

"Owner" or "developer" does not include a general contractor or subcontractor that does not have a proprietary interest in the project.

(m) Person.

(1) In general.

"Person" has the meaning stated in § 1-107(a) {"Person: In general"} of the City Code's General Provisions Article.

(2) Qualified inclusion of governmental entities.

Notwithstanding § 1-107(b) {"Person: Exclusion"} of the General Provisions Article, in this Division III "person" also includes, except as used in § 35-13(b){"Criminal penalties"}, a governmental entity or an instrumentality or unit of a governmental entity.

(n) Responsible personnel.

"Responsible personnel" means any foreperson, superintendent, project engineer, or other individual who is in charge of:

(1) on-site clearing and grading operations; or

(2) the implementation and maintenance of an erosion and sediment control plan.

(o) Sediment.

"Sediment" means soils or other surficial materials that are the product of erosion and are transported or deposited by the action of wind, water, ice, gravity, or artificial means.

(p) Site.

"Site" means any tract, lot, parcel of land, or area of construction, or any combination of tracts, lots, parcels of land, or areas of construction that are:

(1) in one ownership; or

(2) in diverse ownership, but where:

(i) development is to be performed as part of a unit, subdivision or project; and

(ii) either:

A. the tracts, lots, or parcels of land are contiguous; or

B. the developer is a cooperative public-private undertaking.

(q) Standards and Specifications.

"Standards and Specifications" means the 2011 Maryland Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control or any subsequent revisions.

(r) Stormwater.

"Stormwater" means water that originates from a precipitation event.

(s) Stormwater management system.

"Stormwater management system" means a system of natural areas, environmental site design practices, stormwater management practices, and any structure through which stormwater flows, infiltrates, or discharges from a site.