§ 32-5. Concept plan.
(a) In general.
The applicant must submit a concept plan that provides sufficient information for an initial assessment of the proposed project and whether erosion and sediment control can be provided according to this Division III.
(b) Minimum contents.
Plans submitted for concept approval must include:
(1) a map, at a scale specified by the Department, showing:
(i) the proposed limit of disturbance;
(ii) topography;
(iii) existing natural resources;
(iv) wetlands;
(v) floodplains;
(vi) water bodies;
(vii) highly erodible soils;
(viii) natural drainage patterns; and
(ix) any other sensitive areas to be protected during construction;
(2) a general description of the predominant soil types on the site, as described by the appropriate soil survey information available through the local soil conservation district or the USDA Natural Resources Soil Conservation Service;
(3) the anticipated location of all:
(i) impervious areas;
(ii) buildings;
(iii) roadways;
(iv) parking;
(v) sidewalks;
(vi) utilities; and
(vii) other site improvements; and
(4) any other information that the Department requires.