City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 32-7. Final erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plans.

(a) In general.

After site development plan approval, the applicant must submit final erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater management plans that reflect the comments received during the previous review phase.

(b) Minimum contents.

Plans submitted for final approval must be of sufficient detail to allow all approvals and permits to be issued and must include:

(1) all information provided during the concept and site development plan review phase;

(2) erosion and sediment control practices to minimize on-site erosion and prevent off-site sedimentation, including:

(i) the salvage and reuse of topsoil;

(ii) phased construction and implementation of grading unit(s) to minimize disturbances, both in extent and duration;

(iii) location and type of all proposed sediment control practices;

(iv) design details and data for all erosion and sediment control practices; and

(v) specifications for temporary and permanent stabilization measures, including at a minimum:

A. the "Standard Stabilization Note" on the plan stating:

"Following initial soil disturbance or re-disturbance, permanent or temporary stabilization must be completed within:

1. 3 calendar days as to the surface of all perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes, and all slopes steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3:1); and

2. 7 calendar days as to all other disturbed or graded areas on the project site not under active grading.";

B. details for areas requiring accelerated stabilization; and

C. maintenance requirements as defined in the Standards and Specifications;

(3) a sequence of construction that:

(i) describes the relationship between the implementation of controls and the maintenance of controls, including permanent and temporary stabilization, and the various stages or phases of earth disturbance and construction; and

(ii) includes the following, at a minimum:

A. request for a pre-construction meeting with the Department;

B. clearing and grubbing as necessary for the installation of perimeter controls;

C. construction and stabilization of perimeter controls;

D. remaining clearing and grubbing within installed perimeter controls;

E. road grading;

F. grading for the remainder of the site;

F. utility installation and connections to existing structures;

G. construction of buildings and roads;

H. other construction;

I. final grading, landscaping, and stabilization;

J. installation of stormwater management measures;

K. obtaining approval by the Department before removal of sediment controls; and

L. removal of sediment controls and stabilization of areas that are disturbed by the removal;

(4) a statement requiring the owner, developer, or representative to contact the Department or its agent at the following stages of the project or in accordance with the approved erosion and sediment control plan, grading permit, or building permit:

(i) before the start of earth disturbance;

(ii) after the installation of perimeter erosion and sediment controls is complete, but before proceeding with any other earth disturbance or grading;

(iii) before the start of another phase of construction or the opening of another grading unit; and

(iv) before the removal of sediment control practices;

(5) certification by the owner or developer that:

(i) any clearing, grading, construction, or development will be done pursuant to the approved erosion and sediment control plan; and

(ii) the responsible personnel involved in the construction project will have, before the project begins, a Certificate of Training from an MDE approved training program for the control of erosion and sediment; and

(iii) the City Department of Public Works, City Department of Housing and Community Development, and Maryland Department of the Environment will be allowed right of entry for periodic on-site evaluation; and

(6) if required by the Department or the Maryland Department of the Environment, certification by a professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, architect, or forester (for forest harvest operations only) registered in the State that the plans have been designed in accordance with erosion and sediment control laws, regulations, and standards; and

(7) any additional information considered appropriate by the Department.