§ 4-3. Plans for subdivisions or new development.
(a) Plan drawing required.
(1) Every proposal for the subdivision of land or for new development must include a plan that shows the location of all existing and proposed public and private utilities, facilities, drainage structure, and road access.
(2) If the base-flood elevation has been determined by the Flood Insurance Study or other reliable source, as provided in § 2-3 {"Official map"} of this Division I, that flood elevation must be delineated on the plan.
(3) If the proposal involves more than 5 lots or more than 5 acres and the base-flood elevation has not been determined for the land area, the developer must determine the base-flood elevation and delineate that flood elevation on the plan. If hydrologic and hydraulic engineering analyses are submitted, they must be certified in accordance with the requirements of the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
(b) Certification and review.
All plans must be certified by a licensed professional engineer or professional architect and reviewed by the Department of General Services to assure that:
(1) all proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage;
(2) all necessary permits have been received from the State Water & Science Administration and appropriate Federal agencies;
(3) all public and private utilities and facilities (including sewer, water, telephone, electric, gas, etc.) are located, constructed, and floodproofed to minimize or eliminate flood damage;
(4) adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards;
(5) during a base flood, at least 1 access point provides safe vehicular access to and egress from the subdivision or new development; and
(6) adequate measures have been taken to minimize adverse environmental impacts of the proposed development.