§ 2-21. "Official".
(a) In general.
"Official" means:
(1) an elected official;
(2) the head of any department;
(3) the head of any bureau or division within a department; and
(4) any other individual in a unit of City government who, whether acting alone or as a member of a board acting jointly with other board members:
(i) has authority comparable to that of the head of a department or the head of a bureau or division;
(ii) has decision-making authority in making City policy;
(iii) has decision-making authority in the exercise of quasi-judicial, regulatory, licensing, inspecting, or auditing functions; or
(iv) acts as a principal advisor to one who has authority of the type listed.
(b) Inclusions.
"Official" also includes the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director, Executive Secretary, or Administrator of any agency or board included within the scope of § 2-2 {"Agency"} or § 2-3 {"Board"} of this subtitle.