§ 3-24. Notices to new appointees.
(a) General – Notice required.
An individual who is appointed to fill a vacancy in a position must be given written notice, in a form approved by the Ethics Board, of the requirements of:
(1) § 3-20 {"Training courses"};
(2) § 3-21 {"Conflicts affidavit"}; and
(3) § 7-12 {"Financial Disclosure: Appointee to vacancy"}.
(b) General – By whom given.
(1) For Board members and uncompensated appointees of the Mayor, the notice required by subsection (a) of this section must be given by the Mayor or the Mayor's designee.
(2) For all other appointees, the notice must be given by the appointee's agency head or the agency head's designee.
(c) General – When to be given.
The notice required by subsection (a) of this section must be given within 5 days after the appointment.
(d) General – Notice to be signed.
(1) To evidence receipt by the appointee and understanding of the appointee's responsibilities, the notice required by subsection (a) must be signed by both the appointee and the official providing the appointee the notice.
(2) Within 5 days of signing, a copy of the signed notice required under this subsection must be:
(i) placed in the appointee's agency personnel file; and
(ii) provided to the Ethics Board.
(e) Board members – Special pre-appointment notice.
(1) An individual who is nominated to fill a vacancy on a City board must also be given written notice, in a form approved by the Ethics Board, of the provisions of § 6-14 {"Exceptions – New board members"} of this article.
(2) The notice required by paragraph (1) of this subsection must be given by the Mayor or the Mayor's designee at least 14 days before the appointment is to be confirmed.