City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 9-5.1. Overdue financial disclosure statements.

(a) Late fee.

(1) The Ethics Board may assess a late fee of $10 per day, up to an aggregate maximum of$1,000 per overdue statement, on any public servant who does not file a complete financial disclosure statement on or before the date it is due.

(2) Within 30 days after any late fee is assessed under this subsection, a public servant may file a written request with the Ethics Board to reduce or waive the fee for good cause.

(b) Notice to public servant.

If a public servant has failed to file a complete financial disclosure statement within 5 days of the date required under this article, the Ethics Board must notify the public servant in writing of the public servant's noncompliance and of the potential consequences under this section for continued noncompliance.

(c) 15-day notice.

(1) If a public servant has failed to file a complete financial disclosure statement within 15 days of the date required under this article, the Ethics Board must notify the public servant in writing of the public servant's continued noncompliance and the potential consequences of further continued noncompliance.

(2) A copy of the notice sent under this subsection must be sent to:

(i) the public servant's agency head;

(ii) the Director of Human Resources; and

(iii) the City Solicitor.

(d) Referral to the Office of Inspector General.

(1) If a public servant has failed to file a complete financial disclosure statement within 30 days of the date required under this article, the Ethics Board must refer the matter in writing to the Office of the Inspector General for investigation.

(2) A copy of the Board's referral made under this subsection must be sent to:

(i) the public servant;

(ii) the public servant's agency head;

(iii) the Director of Human Resources; and

(iv) the City Solicitor.

(e) Referral for suspension.

(1) If a public servant has failed to file a complete financial disclosure statement within 60 days of the date required under this article, the Ethics Board may refer the matter to the public servant's agency head, the Director of Human Resources, and the City Solicitor, with a recommendation that the public servant be suspended from office without pay until the financial disclosure statement is filed.

(2) A referral for suspension must include copies of the notices to the public servant required under this section.

(3) Regardless of whether any action is taken against the public servant, a copy of the Board's referral must be included in the public servant's agency personnel file.

(4) This subsection does not apply to elected officials.