City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

§ 2A-2. Plan requirements.

Following each decennial census of the United States, the Fire Chief shall:

(1) review:

(i) decennial census population and housing data from the United States Census Bureau;

(ii) fire suppression call volume trends;

(iii) EMS call volume trends;

(iv) fire suppression response times;

(v) EMS response times; and

(vi) any other information deemed necessary by the Fire Chief;

(2) based upon the data specified in paragraph (1) of this section, include in the Plan strategies to:

(i) adjust the geographic boundaries and composition of each fire battalion and EMS district; and

(ii) reallocate the resources and personnel of the Department among the battalions and districts; and

(3) present the Plan to the Mayor and City Council within 1 year from the issuance of the decennial census population and housing data by the United States Census Bureau.