§ 3-4. Use of fee revenues.
(a) Deposit to Emergency Medical Services Fund.
All fees submitted to the City under this subtitle shall be accounted for in a special fund entitled "Emergency Medical Services Fund".
(b) Use of Fund.
(1) Revenues credited to the Fund shall be available for the sole purpose of supporting emergency medical services of the City, or for any other purpose which may be authorized by the annual Ordinance of Estimates.
(2) At the end of each fiscal year, revenues received in excess of the revenue estimates, and appropriations in excess of expenditures, shall carry forward to the succeeding fiscal year and form the beginning Fund balance.
(c) Appropriations.
All appropriations made from the Emergency Medical Services Fund shall be appropriated in the Ordinance of Estimates under the title of the Fund and shall not be included as "special" fund or "other special" fund categories.