City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 1209. Toilet and Bathroom Requirements

1209.1 to 1209.3 {As in IBC}

1209.4. Diaper-changing amenities.

1209.4.1. In general.

Every new or renovated Assembly Group A, Business Group B, and Mercantile Group M occupancy, as those terms are defined in the International Building Code§ 303, § 304, and § 309 with at least one public bathroom, and every City-owned or -occupied building with at least one public bathroom, must include a diaper-changing amenity in its public bathrooms, whether designated for men or women or both, or in another appropriate, sanitary space that both men and women can access.

1209.4.2. Exceptions.

This § 1209.4 does not apply to the following Assembly Group A, Business Group-B, and Mercantile Group M occupancies and City-owned or - occupied buildings:

1. Assembly Group A, Business Group B, and Mercantile Group M occupancies and City-owned or -occupied buildings undergoing renovations if the renovations do not require a building permit;

2. Assembly Group A, Business Group B, and Mercantile Group M occupancies and City-owned or -occupied buildings that prohibit entrance to minors; and

3. Assembly Group A, Business Group B, and Mercantile Group M occupancies for which the Building Official determines that the installation of a diaper-changing amenity is not feasible or would result in a failure to comply with applicable building standards governing the right of access for persons with disabilities are exempt from the requirements of this provision. City-owned or -occupied buildings are not included in this exemption.

1209.4.3. Compliance with other laws.

All diaper-changing amenities must comply with the requirements of this Baltimore City Building, Fire, and Related Codes Article and with any State and Federal laws, including the Americans with Disability Act, that deal with the installation of diaper-changing amenities.