Section 202. Definitions
202.1 General.
Except as provided in § 202.2 of this Code, terms that are used in this Code and defined in the International Building Code (2021 Edition) have the meanings given in the International Building Code (2021 Edition).
202.2 Supplemental definitions.
Notwithstanding any different definition in the International Building Code, the following terms have the meanings given in this § 202.2.
202.2.1. Accessory structure.
"Accessory structure" means a structure:
1. located on the same lot as the main structure, and
2. the use of which is incidental to that of the main structure.
202.2.2 Agent.
"Agent" means, as the context indicates, any person who:
1. in any particular case involving any property:
a. is responsible for the management, maintenance, operation, rental, leasing, or sale of the property,
b. applies for or seeks a permit or certificate from a City authority on behalf of the owner of the property, or
c. in any way represents the owner of the property,
2. represents the Building Official, or
3. in general, represents another.
202.2.3 Authorized use.
"Authorized use" means a use of land or structure approved in accordance with the Baltimore City Zoning Code.
202.2.4 Base flood.
"Base flood" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.5 Base-flood elevation.
"Base-flood elevation" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.6 Basement (for flood loads). {Not Adopted}
202.2.7 Blight.
"Blight" includes exterior surfaces defaced by carvings, markings, or graffiti.
202.2.8 Building.
"Building" has the meaning stated in IBC § 202 and, unless the context indicates otherwise, includes premises and lands.
202.2.9 Building Official.
"Building Official" has the meaning stated in § 103.1 {"Enforcement agency"}.
202.2.10 Building permit.
"Building permit" means any permit issued under this Code.
202.2.11 Certificate of occupancy.
"Certificate of occupancy" means an occupancy permit.
202.2.12 Change in occupancy.
"Change in occupancy" means a change in the purpose or level of activity on land or within a structure.
202.2.13 Change of use.
"Change of use" means change in occupancy.
202.2.14 City.
"City" means the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore.
202.2.15 Code.
"Code" means, unless otherwise specified, the Building, Fire, and Related Codes of Baltimore City, as further defined in § 101.1 {"Title"}.
202.2.15a Cool Roof Rating Council. "Cool Roof Rating Council" or "CRRC" means the Cool Roof Rating Council, Inc., an American National Standards Institute-Accredited Standards Developer Organization, that created, maintains, and updates the American National Standard: ANSI/CRRC S100 - "Standard Test Methods for Determining Radiative Properties of Materials".
202.2.16 Demolition.
1. means razing or demolition, and
2. includes removal of the debris resulting from any razing or demolition.
202.2.17 Department.
"Department" means, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the Department of Building Safety, as further defined in § 103.1 {"Enforcement agency"}.
202.2.18 Department of Building Safety.
"Department of Building Safety" has the meaning stated in § 103.1{"Enforcement agency"}.
202.2.19 Design flood.
"Design flood" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.20 Design-flood elevation.
"Design-flood elevation" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.21 Dry floodproofing.
"Dry floodproofing" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.22 Dwelling.
"Dwelling" includes, but is not limited to, any one or more of the following: Boarding house. {As in IBC} Dormitory.
"Dormitory" means a space in a building that provides group sleeping accommodations in 1 room or in a series of closely associated rooms for persons not members of the same family group. Multiple-family dwelling.
"Multiple-family dwelling" means a building or part of a building that contains more than 2 dwelling units. 1-family dwelling; single-family dwelling unit.
"1-family dwelling" or "single-family dwelling unit" means a building that contains only 1 dwelling unit and is used only for that purpose. 2-family dwelling.
"2-family dwelling" means a building that contains 2 dwelling units and is used only for that purpose.
202.2.23 Dwelling unit.
"Dwelling unit" means a single unit that provides or that is designed or intended to provide complete, independent living facilities for 1 or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
202.2.24 Existing construction. {Not Adopted}
202.2.25 Existing structure (in Regulated Flood Hazard Areas).
"Existing structure" means any structure for which the building permit was issued before March 15, 1978, and the actual start of construction was within 180 days of the permit date, as defined in the Floodplain Management Code. "Actual start of construction".
For purposes of this definition, "actual start of construction" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.26 Existing structure (for § 1612.2). {Not Adopted}
202.2.27 Existing structure (for Chapter 34). {Not Adopted}
202.2.28 Flood; Flooding.
"Flood" or "flooding" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.29 Flood hazard area.
"Flood Hazard Area" means a Regulated Flood Hazard Area established under and regulated by the Floodplain Management Code.
202.2.30 Flood Insurance Rate Map; FIRM.
"Flood Insurance Rate Map" or "FIRM" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.31 Flood Insurance Study.
"Flood Insurance Study" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-2 {"Definitions – "Accessory structure" to "Floodplain District"}.
202.2.32 Floodplain Management Code.
"Floodplain Management Code" means the Baltimore City Floodplain Management Code, City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, Division I {"Floodplain Management"}.
202.2.33 Floodway.
"Floodway" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-3 {"Definitions – "Floodproofing" to "Wet floodproofing"}.
202.2.34 Foster care facility.
"Foster care facility" means a facility that provides care to more than 8 children who are 2½ years of age or less.
202.2.35 {Vacant}
202.2.36 Historic structure.
"Historic structure" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-3 {"Definitions – "Floodproofing" to "Wet floodproofing"}.
202.2.37 International Codes. Energy Conservation Code.
"Energy Conservation Code", "Baltimore City Energy Conservation Code", "International Energy Conservation Code", or "IECC" means the International Energy Conservation Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Fire Code.
"Fire Code", "Baltimore City Fire Code", "International Fire Code", or "IFC" means the International Fire Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Fuel Gas Code.
"Fuel Gas Code", "Baltimore City Fuel Gas Code", "International Fuel Gas Code", or "IFGC" means the International Fuel Gas Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Green Construction Code.
"Green Construction Code", "Baltimore City Green Construction Code", "International Green Construction Code", or "IgCC" means the International Green Construction Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Mechanical Code.
"Mechanical Code", "Baltimore City Mechanical Code", "International Mechanical Code", or "IMC" means the International Mechanical Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Plumbing Code.
"Plumbing Code", "Baltimore City Plumbing Code", "International Plumbing Code", or "IPC" means the International Plumbing Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Property Maintenance Code.
"Property Maintenance Code", "Baltimore City Property Maintenance Code", "International Property Maintenance Code",or "IPMC" means the International Property Maintenance Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Residential Code.
"Residential Code", "Baltimore City Residential Code", "International Residential Code", or "IRC" means the International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City. Swimming Pool and Spa Code.
"Swimming Pool and Spa Code", "Baltimore City Swimming Pool and Spa Code", "International Swimming Pool and Spa Code", or "ISPSC" means the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (2021 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City.
202.2.38 Lowest floor.
"Lowest floor" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-3 {"Definitions – "Floodproofing" to "Wet floodproofing"}.
202.2.39 May not, etc.
"May not", "must not", and "no ... may" are each mandatory negative terms used to establish a prohibition.
202.2.40 Mortgage.
"Mortgage" includes a deed of trust or other deed in the nature of a mortgage.
202.2.41 Mortgagee.
"Mortgagee" includes a beneficiary under a deed of trust or other deed in the nature of a mortgage.
202.2.42 Must/shall.
"Must" and "shall" are each mandatory terms used to express a requirement or to impose a duty.
202.2.43 National Codes. Electrical Code.
"Electrical Code", "Baltimore City Electrical Code", "National Electrical Code", or "NEC" means the National Electrical Code (2020 Edition), as supplemented, amended, or otherwise modified by Baltimore City.
202.2.44 Occupancy.
"Occupancy" means:
1. the state of occupying or using any land or structure, or
2. the act of taking, holding possession of, or using any land or structure, or
3. the purpose for which any land or structure is used or occupied.
202.2.45 Occupancy permit.
"Occupancy permit" means a permit that:
1. signifies compliance with this Code and related laws, and
2. indicates the Building Official's approval to occupy a structure for the authorized use.
202.2.46 Occupant.
"Occupant" means any person who uses or who has the right of possession of all or any part of a structure or premises.
202.2.47 Operator.
"Operator" means any person who has charge, care, or control of all or any part of a structure or premises.
202.2.48 Person.
1. means any individual, sole proprietorship, corporation, limited liability company, firm, partnership, association, organization, joint venture, or other entity or group acting as a unit, executor, administrator, trustee, receiver, guardian, or other representative appointed by law, and
2. whenever used in this Code with reference to liability or to the imposition of a penalty or fine, includes:
a. as to an unincorporated firm, partnership, association, organization, or joint venture, the partners or members of the firm, partnership, association, organization, or joint venture,
b. as to a corporation, the officers, trustees, agents, or members of the corporation who are responsible for the violation of any relevant code provision, and
c. in addition, the responsible officer, trustee, partner, or member designated on a registration statement filed under City Code Article 13, Subtitle 4 {"Registration of Non-Owner-Occupied Dwellings, etc."}.
202.2.49 Premises.
"Premises" means a lot or group of lots, together with all or any part of any buildings or structures on the lot or group of lots, considered as a unit devoted to a particular use, including accessory structures and open spaces required or used in connection with that particular use.
202.2.50 Rehabilitation.
"Rehabilitation" means all repairs and other work, of any kind, needed to make a dwelling or other structure fit to be occupied for its authorized use in conformity with all applicable standards and requirements of this Code.
202.2.51 Related laws.
"Related laws" has the meaning stated in § 104.6.2 {"Authority to seek warrant"}.
202.2.52 Structure.
"Structure" has the meaning stated in IBC § 202 and, unless the context indicates otherwise, includes premises and lands.
202.2.53 Stabilization.
"Stabilization", with reference to a structure that has been declared unsafe or unfit for occupancy, means all work of any kind, not amounting to rehabilitation, that is needed, or that is performed or required by the Building Official, to make the structure safe and secure, to prevent its further deterioration, and to eliminate its blighting influence.
202.2.54 Transfer.
"Transfer", when used with respect to property subject to this Code, has the meaning stated in § 114.23 {"Responsibility of transferee"}.
202.2.55 Substantial damage.
"Substantial damage" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-3 {"Definitions – "Floodproofing" to "Wet floodproofing"}.
202.2.56 Substantial improvement.
"Substantial improvement" has the meaning stated in City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, § 1-3 {"Definitions – "Floodproofing" to "Wet floodproofing"}.
202.2.57 Unsafe structure.
"Unsafe structure” means a structure:
1. that is unsafe, insanitary, or deficient because of inadequate means of egress facilities or inadequate light and ventilation,
2. that constitutes a fire hazard,
3. that is otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare,
4. that involves illegal or improper occupancy, or
5. that involves inadequate maintenance.
202.2.58 Use.
"Use" means, unless the context indicates otherwise:
1. the purpose for which a building, structure, or land is used, occupied, or intended to be used or occupied, and
2. any activity, occupation, business, or operation carried out on land or in a building or structure.
202.2.59 Zoning Code.
"Zoning Code" means the Baltimore City Zoning Code, including the accompanying Zoning District Maps.