Section 2902. Minimum Plumbing Facilities
2902.1 Minimum number of fixtures. {As in IBC}
2902.1.1 Fixture calculations. {As in IBC}
2902.1.2 Single-user toilet facility and bathing room fixture. {As in IBC}
2902.1.3 Lavatory distribution. {As in IBC}
2902.1.4 Family or assisted-use toilet and bath fixtures.
Fixtures located within accessible family or assisted-use toilet and bathing rooms required by the Maryland Accessibility Code (COMAR 09.12.53) are permitted to be included in the number of required fixtures for either the male or female occupants in assembly and mercantile occupancies.
2902.2 to 2902.3 {As in IBC}
2902.4 Signage.
Required public facilities must be provided with signs that designate the sex, as required by § 2902.2. Signs must be readily visible and located near the entrance to each toilet facility. Signs for accessible toilet facilities must comply with the Maryland Accessibility Code (COMAR 09.12.53).
2902.4.1 Gender-inclusive signage.
If separate facilities for each sex are not required, as permitted by the exceptions to § 2902.2 {"Separate facilities”} of this Code, then Article 15, § 43-3 {"Requirement for single-user restrooms”} of the City Code mandates that a public single-user restroom in a commercial or industrial establishment, a place of public accommodation, or a City-owned or -occupied building shall be:
1. made available for use by individuals of any gender, and
2. identified with gender-inclusive signage.
{Editor's Note: But see City Code Article 15, Subtitle 43 {"Public Restrooms"}, which requires the use of "gender-inclusive signage" to identify any "public single-use restroom" in a commercial or industrial establishment, a place of public accommodation, or a City-owned or -occupied building.}
2902.5 to 2902.6 {As in IBC}