Section 3117. Piers and Marinas
3117.1 General.
All piers, marinas, and related structures constructed or demolished along the shoreline of the City must comply with the requirements of this § 3117, in addition to all other applicable provisions of this Code.
3117.2 Plans and specifications.
All proposed work for piers and marinas requires plans and specifications that illustrate, describe, and specify the proposed work in sufficient detail and clarity.
3117.3 Approvals.
Before a building permit may be issued for the construction or demolition of a pier, marina, or related structure, the work must be approved by:
1. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Baltimore District),
2. the State of Maryland,
3. the Division of Construction and Buildings Inspection,
4. the Baltimore City Fire Department,
5. the Baltimore City Department of Transportation, and
6. the Baltimore City Department of Public Works.
3117.4 Design.
All shoreline and offshore free-standing piers, with or without buildings, must be designed in accordance with:
1. the design manuals of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and
2. the requirements of this Code.
3117.5 Structural design for piers.
Minimum live load requirements are as follows:
1. for static or fixed piers or marinas for light duty uses, 60 pounds per square foot, and
2. for heavy duty live loads and for structures constructed on piers, as required by Chapter 16 {"Structural Design"} of this Code.
3117.6 Structures on piers.
Every structure that is constructed on a pier, wharf, dock, bulkhead, breakwater, piles, or other similar structure must comply with this § 3117 and all other applicable provisions of this Code and other law.