City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 3302. Construction Safeguards

3302.1 Remodeling and additions.

Required exits, existing structural elements, fire protection devices, and sanitary safeguards must be maintained at all times during remodeling, alterations, repairs, or additions to any building or structure.


1. When these required elements or devices are themselves being remodeled, altered, or repaired, adequate substitute provisions must be made.

2. These requirements do not apply if the existing building is not occupied.

3302.2 Waste and debris.

All sites for new construction or for remodeling, alterations, repairs, or additions, and all abutting sidewalks, gutters, and alleys, must be properly maintained and kept free of accumulated trash, garbage, waste, or debris, including construction waste or debris, and of any object or condition that constitutes a nuisance. Removal of all trash, garbage, waste, and debris must be done in a manner that prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties, and public rights-of-way.

3302.3 Fire safety during construction. {As in IBC}