City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 3601. Scope

3601.1 General.

This Chapter applies to every single-family dwelling, whether detached, semi-detached, or attached, and to all ground-floor dwelling units of any 2-family dwelling or of any multiple-family dwelling that contains 4 or fewer dwelling units, that:

1. is newly constructed on a vacant lot, and

2. receives funding or other assistance from the City or any City agency (including the Housing Authority of Baltimore City) by any one of the following methods:

a. a building contract or similar agreement that involves any Federal, State, or City funds,

b. acquisition, by gift, purchase, lease, or otherwise, of any real property for less than its appraised value, as determined by a certified appraiser,

c. preferential tax treatment, such as payments in lieu of taxes, tax increment financing, or similar benefit,

d. bond proceeds or issuance assistance, a loan, or similar financial benefit,

e. receipt under City authority of Federal or State construction funds, including Community Development Block Grant funds, and

f. except as otherwise specified in this section, receipt of any other form of funding or financial benefit from the City or a City agency.

3601.2 Exclusions.

This Chapter does not apply to:

1. additions to or remodelings of existing buildings, or

2. new construction for which City funding or assistance is limited to either or both:

a. a property tax credit under City Code Article 28, § 10-5 {"Newly constructed dwellings"}, and

b. waiver of a City lien on property where the lien exceeds the value of the property.