Section 433. Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Development
433.1 General.
The Baltimore City Critical Area Management Program, as adopted by the Department of Planning to guide and restrict development within the Baltimore City Critical Area, must be complied with. The requirements of that Program are in addition to all other City, state, and federal laws and regulations governing construction and development within the Baltimore City Critical Area. In case of any conflict, the more restrictive requirement prevails within the Critical Area.
433.2 Compliance required.
Any development activity within the Baltimore City Critical Area or the Buffer, including the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, demolition, alteration, or expansion of structures, or the filling, dredging, mining, storing materials, excavation, clearing, grading, paving, or improvement of land, must comply with the applicable development requirements of the Critical Area Program Document (the "CAMP Document"), as amended from time to time.
433.3 Enforcement.
Any violation of the CAMP Document is a violation of this Code, subject to enforcement under § 114 {"Violations"} of this Code.