City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 405. Electrical Power and Lighting Systems

405.1 General (Mandatory). {As in IECC-C}

405.2 Lighting controls (Mandatory). {As in IECC-C}

405.2.1 to 405.2.3 {As in IECC-C}

405.2.4 Specific application controls.

Specific application controls must be provided for the following:

1. {As in IECC-C}

2. {As in IECC-C; But see also Item 5 below}

3. to 4. {As in IECC-C}

5. {Per MBPS Modification} For the new construction of hotels or motels:

(a) each hotel or motel guest room or suite must be equipped with a master control device that automatically turns off the power to all of the lighting fixtures in the guest room or suite no more than 30 minutes after the room or suite has been vacated; and

(b) a master control device may also control the heating, ventilation, or air conditioning default settings in a hotel or motel guest room or suite 30 minutes after room or suite has been vacated by:

(i) increasing the set temperature by at least 3 degrees Fahrenheit when in the air conditioning mode; or

(ii) decreasing the set temperature by at least 3 degrees Fahrenheit when in the heating mode.

405.2.5 Manual controls. {As in IECC-C}

405.2.6 Exterior lighting controls. {As in IECC-C}

405.3 to 405.9 {As in IECC-C}