Section 1003. Interceptors and Separators
1003.1 to 1003.2 {As in IPC}
1003.3 Grease interceptors.
Grease interceptors must comply with the requirements of this § 1003.3 and with any additional requirements of the Code Official
1003.3.1 to 1003.3.8 {As in IPC}
1003.4 Oil separators required. {As in IPC}
1003.4.1 Separation of liquids. {As in IPC}
1003.4.2 Oil separator design. {As in IPC}
1003.4.2.1 to 1003.4.2.2 {As in IPC}
1003.4.2.3 Waste-oil tank design.
The oil draw-off or overflow from oil separators must be connected to an approved waste-oil tank that meets the environmental requirements of the Maryland Department of the Environment. The waste oil from the separator must flow by gravity or may be pumped to a higher elevation by an automatic pump. Pumps must be adequately sized, explosion proof, and accessible. Waste-oil tanks must have a 2" minimum pump-out connection and a 1½" minimum vent to the atmosphere.
1003.4.2.4 Waste-oil tank requirements.
Where oil separators include a waste holding tank, the tank may not be used to store or contain any other waste oil (e.g., motor oil) or hazardous fluid. The installation of waste-oil storage tanks must comply with COMAR 26.10 {"Oil Pollution and Tank Management"}.
1003.5 to 1003.10 {As in IPC}