City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 106. Permits

106.1 to 106.2 {As in IPC}

106.3 Application for permit.

The requirements for obtaining a permit are as set forth in § 105.3 {"Application for permit"} of the Baltimore City Building Code.

106.3.1 to 106.3.2 {Not Adopted}

106.4 By Whom Application Made. {As in IPC}

106.5 Permit issuance. {As in IPC}

106.5.1 to 106.5.2 {As in IPC}

106.5.3 Expiration.

A permit expires at the times and under the circumstances set forth in § 105.5 {"Expiration; Extension"} of the Baltimore City Building Code.

106.5.4 Extensions.

A permit may be extended as provided in § 105.5 {"Expiration; Extension"} of the Baltimore City Building Code.

106.5.5 Suspension or revocation.

The Building Official may suspend or revoke a permit as provided in § 105.6 {"Suspension or revocation"} of the Baltimore City Building Code.

106.5.6 to 106.5.7 {As in IPC}