City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 309. Flood Hazard Resistance

309.1 General.

In a flood hazard area, plumbing systems must be constructed, located, and installed in accordance with the requirements of the Baltimore City Floodplain Management Code, City Code Article 7 {"Natural Resources"}, Division I {"Floodplain Management"}.

309.2 Scope.

The requirements of this § 309 apply to all plumbing systems, their attendant components and equipment, including the following:

1. all water service pipes,

2. pump seals in individual water supply systems,

3. Covers on potable water wells,

4. all sanitary drainage piping,

5. all storm drainage piping,

6. manhole covers,

7. all other plumbing fixtures, faucets, fixture fittings, piping systems, and equipment,

8. water heaters, and

9. vents and vent systems.

Exception: {Not adopted}

309.3 Coastal high-hazard area and coastal A zones. {Not Adopted}