City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 304. Repair and Maintenance of Structures

304.1 General.

The interior and exterior of a structure must be maintained in good repair and in a structurally sound and sanitary condition.

304.1.1 Unsafe conditions. {Not Adopted}

304.2 Protective treatment. {As in IPMC}

304.3 Premises identification.

Premises identification must be provided and maintained for all buildings in accordance with:

1. Baltimore City Building Code§ 502 {"Building Address"}, and

2. City Code Article 26, Subtitle 6 {"Building Address Numbers"}.

304.4 Structural members.

All interior and exterior structural members must be:

1. maintained in a structurally sound condition and free from deterioration, and

2. capable of safely supporting the imposed dead and live loads.

304.5 Foundation walls. {As in IPMC}

304.6 Exterior walls. {As in IPMC}

304.7 Roofs and drainage.

The roof and flashing must be sound, tight, and without defects that admit rain. Roof drainage must be adequate to prevent dampness or deterioration in the walls or interior portion of the structure. Roof drains, gutters, and downspouts must be provided and maintained in good repair and free from obstructions. Roof water must be discharged away from the foundation and may not be discharged in a manner that creates a public nuisance.

304.8 Decorative features. {As in IPMC}

304.9 Overhang extensions. {As in IPMC}

304.10 Stairways, floors, decks, etc.

Every interior and exterior stairway, floor, deck, porch, and balcony, and all their appurtenances must be:

1. structurally sound,

2. properly anchored and capable of supporting the imposed loads, and

3. maintained in good repair and safe condition.

304.11 Chimneys and towers. {As in IPMC}

304.12 Handrails and guards. {As in IPMC}

304.13 Window, skylight, and door frames. {As in IPMC}

304.14 Insect screens. {Not Adopted}

304.15 Doors.

304.15.1 General.

1. All doors, door assemblies, and hardware must be maintained in good condition.

2. Except as otherwise required for means of egress doors, locks and latching hardware must be provided at all entrances to dwelling units and rooming units and must tightly secure the doors at those entrances.

3. Doors must fit properly within their frames.

4. Except for a building where the entrances are staffed by security personnel or where unobstructed access is provided to the entrance of each unit, in a building that contains 2 or more dwelling units, an electric doorbell must be provided for each dwelling unit in that building.

304.15.2 Interior.

Every interior door must be capable of being opened and closed by being securely attached and properly equipped with properly functioning attachment and latching hardware.

304.16 Basement hatchways. {As in IPMC}

304.17 Guards for basement windows. {As in IPMC}

304.18 Building security. {As in IPMC}

304.19 Gates. {As in IPMC}

304.20 Interior surfaces.

All interior surfaces, including floors, walls, ceilings, windows, and doors, must be maintained in good, clean, and sanitary condition. Peeling, chipping, flaking, or abraded paint must be repaired, removed, or covered. Cracked or loose plaster, decayed wood, and other defective surface conditions must be corrected. Floors in kitchens, bathrooms, lavatories, toilet rooms, and laundry rooms must be kept impervious to water.

304.21 Grading and drainage.

All premises must be graded and maintained to:

1. drain away from the foundation of any structure and away from adjoining property,

2. prevent the erosion of soil, and

3. prevent the accumulation of stagnant water.

304.22 Sidewalks, driveways, etc.

All sidewalks, walkways, stairs, driveways, parking spaces, and similar areas must be kept in good repair and free from hazardous conditions.

304.23 Exhaust vents.

Pipes, ducts, conductors, fans, or blowers may not be allowed to discharge gases, steam, vapor, hot air, grease, smoke, odors, or other gaseous or particulate wastes directly on

any abutting or adjacent public or private property or on any property areas occupied by another in the same building.

304.24 Accessory structures.

All accessory structures, including detached garages, fences, gates, walls, and swimming pools, must be maintained in a structurally sound condition and in good repair.

304.25 Defaced property.

If an exterior surface of a structure has been defaced by carvings, markings, or graffiti, the surface must be restored to an approved state of maintenance and repair.

304.26 Nuisance or hazardous conditions.

All premises must be kept free of any object, material, or condition that constitutes a nuisance or a fire, accident, or health hazard.

304.27 {Reserved}

304.28 Ratproofing.

All buildings must be ratproofed and maintained in a ratproof condition by the owner or his agent. Ratproofing methods include:

1. preventing entrance by blocking passages with rat-resistant material, and

2. paving basements and any other areas that are in contact with the soil.

304.29 Equipment.

All equipment required by the Building, Fire, and Related Codes of Baltimore City must be maintained in good working condition.

304.30 Fire protection.

All required fire protection, including separation between nonresidential and residential occupancies, must be maintained in good repair. All fire doors must be equipped and maintained as required by the Fire Code of Baltimore City.