City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 306. Exterior Sanitary Maintenance – Trash, Garbage, and Debris

306.1 Accumulation prohibited.

All premises, including abutting sidewalks, gutters, and alleys, as well as the interior of every structure, must be kept free of any accumulation of trash, garbage, and debris, including any animal waste, construction material, equipment, furniture, appliances, and similar objects and materials.

306.2 Bulk trash.

If discarded or abandoned articles are too large to be disposed of in required receptacles, they must be conveyed to an appropriate landfill or other approved disposal site.

306.3 No deposit on sidewalks, etc.

No trash, garbage, or debris may be deposited on any sidewalk, alley, or street or on any public or private lot, except as specified in §§ 306.4 through 306.7 of this Chapter.

306.4 Storage receptacles – Required.

Trash, garbage, or debris may not be stored or placed out for collection except in approved storage receptacles. The owner or operator of every occupied premises must provide a sufficient number of these storage receptacles to receive and store trash, garbage, and debris from individual units between days of collection. The receptacles must be maintained in a location accessible to occupants.

306.5 Storage receptacles – Location.

If, in the opinion of the Code Official, the exterior maintenance of storage receptacles is causing nuisance or blight, the Code Official may require that, between days of collection, the receptacles be stored:

1. inside the building they serve, or

2. in the discretion of the Code Official, within a contiguous structure.

306.6 Storage receptacles – Specifications and maintenance.

306.6.1 Specifications.

306.6.1.1 General.

Each storage receptacle must:

1. be made of metal or some other durable material approved by the Code Official,

2. be watertight, with tight-fitting covers and handles, and

3. either:

a. have a capacity of not more than 32 gallons, or

b. be a City-owned trash receptacle assigned to the address for the curbside collection of mixed refuse.

306.6.1.2. Exceptions.

1. Receptacles used for recycling need not have covers.

2. Yard waste may be bagged or bundled.

306.6.2. Maintenance.

Each storage receptacle must be:

1. maintained in good repair, and

2. kept tightly closed to prevent blight, nuisance, pest infestation, and dispersal of trash, garbage, or debris.

306.7 Placement for collection.

Storage receptacles:

1. should be placed out for collection no later than 6 a.m. of the day of collection,

2. may not be placed out on any sidewalk or along an alley earlier than 6 p.m. of the evening before the day of collection, and

3. if placed on a sidewalk or along an alley, must be returned to the premises no later than 6 a.m. on the day after collection.

306.8 Owner transport.

At any building for which the City does not provide collection services, the owner and operator must collect and transport the building's trash, garbage, and debris to an appropriate landfill or other approved disposal site.