City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 101. General

101.1 Title.

The regulations contained in this Code constitute and are known as the "Baltimore City Fire Code".

101.1.1 References to "this Code".

Throughout this Part VIII, all references to "this Code" refer to the Baltimore City Fire Code.

101.2 Scope. {As in IFC}

101.2.1 Appendices adopted.

The following appendices to the International Fire Code are adopted as part of this Code:

1. Appendix B: "Fire-Flow Requirements for Buildings".

2. Appendix E: "Hazard Categories".

3. Appendix F: "Hazard Ranking".

4. Appendix G: "Cryogenic Fluids – Weight and Volume Equivalents".

5. Appendix H: "Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP) and Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement (HMIS)".

6. Appendix N. "Indoor Trade Shows and Exhibitions".

101.2.2 Appendices not adopted.

The following appendices to the International Fire Code are not adopted as part of this Code:

1. Appendix A: "Board of Appeals".

2. Appendix C: "Fire Hydrant Locations and Distribution".

3. Appendix D: "Fire Apparatus Access Roads"

4. Appendix I: "Fire Protection Systems – Noncompliant Conditions".

5. Appendix J: "Building Information Signs".

6. Appendix K: "Construction Requirements for Existing Ambulatory Care Facilities".

7. Appendix L: "Requirements for Fire Fighter Air Replenishment Systems".

8. Appendix M: "High-Rise Buildings – Retroactive Automatic Sprinkler Requirement".

101.3 to 101.5 {As in IFC}