City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 105. Permits

105.1 General. {As in IFC}

105.1.1 Permits required.

Permits must be obtained from the Fire Code Official as required by this Code or in the Fire Code Official's Fire Prevention Permit Schedule. Permit fees, if any, must be paid before the permit is issued. An issued permit must be kept on the premises designated in that permit at all times and must be readily available for inspection by the Fire Code Official.

105.1.2 Types of permits. {As in IFC}

105.1.3 Multiple permits for the same location. {As in IFC}

105.1.4 Emergency repairs. {Not Adopted}

105.1.5 Repairs. {As in IFC}

105.1.6 Annual permit. {Not Adopted}

105.1.7 Setting fees.

The Director of Finance must establish and annually review the fees charged for permits under this Code. The Director of Finance must base these fees on the expenses incurred by the Fire Prevention Bureau in processing permit applications and in conducting inspections.

105.2 Application. {As in IFC}

105.3 Conditions of a permit. {As in IFC}

105.3.1 to 105.3.8 {As in IFC}

105.3.9 Violation of permit.

Failure to comply with any term or condition of any permit issued under this Code constitutes a violation of this Code and subjects the violator to the penalties prescribed in § 110 {"Violations"} of this Code.

105.4 Construction documents. {As in IFC}

105.5 Revocation. {As in IFC}

105.6 Required operational permits. {As in IFC}

105.6.1 to 105.6.14 {As in IFC}

105.6.15 Fire hydrants and valves. {Not Adopted}

105.6.16 to 105.6.50 {As in IFC}

105.7 Required construction permits. {As in IFC}