City of Baltimore
Baltimore City Code

Section 308. Open Flames

308.1 General {As in IFC}

308.1.1 to 308.1.3 {As in IFC}

308.1.4 Open-flame cooking devices.

Charcoal burners and other open-flame cooking devices may not be operated on combustible balconies or within 10 feet (3048 mm) of any combustible construction or property line.

Exception: A one- or two-family dwelling whose property lines are less than 10 feet from the structure may use an open-flame cooking device as long as:

1. the device is at least 6 feet from any combustible construction; and

2. the following extinguishing agent is available:

a. for an LPG burner, a portable fire extinguisher with at least a 2A-10BC rating; and

b. for a charcoal or wood burner, either:

i. a water fire extinguisher; or

ii. a 5-gallon bucket of water.

308.1.5 to 308.1.8 {As in IFC}

308.2 Permit required. {As in IFC}

308.3 Group A Occupancies. {As in IFC}

308.3.1 Open-flame decorative devices. {As in IFC}

308.3.2 Theatrical performances. {As in IFC}

308.3.3 LP gas prohibited in assembly areas.

The storage or use of LP-gas containers of any size in any assembly building or in any assembly area of a building is prohibited.

308.3.3.1 Exception.

Listed and approved butane-gas commercial food service appliances may be used inside restaurants and in attended commercial food catering operations as long as each of the following conditions is complied with:

1. No appliance has more than two 10-oz. (296 ml) gas containers,with a maximum water capacity of 1.08 lb. (0.049 kg) per container, connected directly to it at any time.

2. The containers are not manifold.

3. All containers are listed and comply with UL 147B, "Standard for Non-Refillable (Disposable) Type Metal Container Assemblies for Butane".

4. Each container is an integral part of the listed and approved commercial food service appliance and is connected to the appliance without the use of a rubber hose.

5. No more than 24 of these containers are stored in the building, with an additional 24 containers permitted to be stored in another storage area in the building if that other storage area is separated or contained by a minimum 2-hour fire wall.

6. The use of LP gas in assembly areas for theatrical performances is subject to the review, evaluation, and approval of the Fire Code Official for each individual event.

308.4 Group R occupancies {As in IFC}